Selasa, 18 Januari 2011

Black water and Clean water Village

Last time, SAD (Suku Anak Dalam) people, more in the know Suku Kubu, never argue about coffee water and clean water. According to some communities, if weighed then coffee water very weight than clean water. Partly said that clean water very weight than coffee water. To be no more conflict, and the proof was held, about it by metode weight. The weight did by Datuk Tumenggung Merah Mato. In the hill top dua belas (puncak bukit 12) witnessed by the prince in suku kubu. The firts to be weighed are the respective glass coffee water and clean water place. Will be poured and the weight of the same then coffee water and clean water to pour on the glass and the weight of the same.

Viewing event Datuk Tumenggung Merah Mato to said that coffee water and clean water same weight. Not long time again, suddenly the air came to very tight and wiggle the weight that hold by Datuk Tumenggung Merah Mato. Glass of clean water fall in the Jernih village and glass of coffee water falls in the estuary Air Hitam village.

And since then Suku Kubu communities trust if the name Air Hitam village and Air Jernih village came from coffee water and clean water weighed by Tumenggung Merah Mato in the hill to dua belas (puncak bukit 12).

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